
楼主: 罗辑Hydrus


 楼主| 罗辑Hydrus 发表于 2025-1-15 21:11:24 | 显示全部楼层
我们先来瑞平一下瑞平皇后jokernut()我的评价是:sb,但喜欢)(其实我在jokernut在我半径10米以内时说过她shabi哈哈)(哦猫猫你还是改不了乱打括号的习惯())英语老师作为学校里唯一精通西文字母的群体,总感觉还是有些特殊性的,也许没那么多才多艺,也许只需要教授语言知识而对于英语的文化经典没有那么高的要求而显得他们的工作相对简单一些,所以他们也许会显得有些old-fashioned且不太好理解年轻人的想法。而jokernut未免过于严格了,疑似有很多班级并非需做reading notes,并非有如此低的翻译等第,etc., 不过为什么说“但喜欢”呢——我虽然极其讨厌不是A和A+的任何等第,也并没有从jokernut那边拿到过任何有用的A或A+,虽然jokernut对作业和成绩的评判标准并非完全合适,但是我仍然忍不住要去完成她的要求(纯抖m行为,其实我很耐创)。可能自认为在英语方面有所建树,但是一次又一次失败地完成jokernut的任务让我很害怕我,在她眼里,也只是个普普通通的学生罢了(英语方面)。或许在法法(注:初中的英语老师)眼里,我也一样,我不优秀反而平庸,还无法接受平庸的现实,歇斯底里地对着翻译本大喊大叫(?)。我并不能做到阅读次次AP,没有强大的词汇量和语感(有但不多,并非够用,并非并非),没有漂亮的字迹和地道的表达,对英语的“热情”也仅仅是空谈罢。


好喜欢爪爪的文笔…什么时候我才能写出这样优秀的随感啊…  发表于 2025-1-17 17:43
 楼主| 罗辑Hydrus 发表于 2025-1-20 22:52:36 | 显示全部楼层


翻译一下:嗨爪在91上喜欢的那个女优不更新了  发表于 2025-1-21 10:33

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 罗辑Hydrus 发表于 2025-1-21 19:50:25 | 显示全部楼层
Ulysses Chapter I
In the morning, Buck Mulligan came out with a bowl, a razor and a mirror and held a religious ceremony. He and Stephen Dedalus lived in a tower at the coast. Stephen recalled his mother’s death, when he didn’t obey her last wished out of his personal beliefs. Then they looked together at the sea.
Reading Response:
Reading Ulysses again
Sorry for not writing much about the passage I read.
I picked up Ulysses again in FDFZ library recently. Before that, about a year earlier, I had finished reading Orlando by Virginia Woolf before I bought Ulysses (English version). I just heard of a writing style: flow-of-consciousness. It sounded appealing to me because I tended to focus on the inside feelings of people, rather than the plot. And I myself am very sentimental and sensitive. For example, I keep analyzing my feelings and thoughts, so I may write a lot of nonsense.
That’s why I was introduced to Ulysses. And picking it up again in the library, I felt younger, when I saw the English words printed in Times New Roman.
I stopped at about chapter 9 long long ago, so I had to start from the beginning. However, I’d like to write about my impressions of the parts I had read now.
James Joyce, the author, is godlike to me.
He filled one ordinary day in Dublin, Ireland, with millions of words and alphabets.
He built up Stephen Dedalus, Leopold Bloom and everything, every detail in the city of Dublin. When I want to write about that happens in my mind, I always simply forget it all. My former thoughts just disappear as if I couldn’t remember anything. But Mr. Joyce did it perfectly. He wrote so much without letting the readers feel empty. He is even able to build up the feelings and thinking patterns for different characters. He just lets the language flow.
And in the first chapter we see a joyful Buck and a moody Stephen. Through the language of English the personalities seem even more vivid. It’s possibly very hard to translate this book into Chinese. Buck is joyful but considered vulgar. Stephen is moody and he is a teacher and scholar. The contrast between them is very natural. Liu Cixin described in The Three-body Problem when Luoji created a female character and became charmed by her: “It’s like she is out of your control, and you can only follow her like a peeper, recording her every move.” Joyce is an expert at this.
When I am soaked into Ulysses, I can temporarily be focused and separated from the outside world, living only for myself. One day I can finish reading it, perhaps.

Ulysses Chapter 4
This chapter describes Leopold Bloom’s morning. He went outside to buy some food, made a snack for himself and his wife Molly, and read letters and newspapers. His journey was full of interesting details, like he once passed by a school and heard students spelling words aloud, he explained a difficult word to Molly, and so on.
Reading Response:
This chapter is relatively easier to read compared to the whole book, because the main plots and the expressions are quite simple. It is generally easy to follow Bloom’s footprint as he wanders.
The flow-of-consciousness of Bloom is more than just descriptions of his feelings. It can also reflect his surroundings. For example, Bloom is Jewish. Jewish people are often looked down upon by Europeans. In the book there is a sentence “A mother watches me from her doorway and she calls her children home in their dark language.” Showing a mother’s unwillingness to let her children see a Jew. Antisemitism exists in some characters in this book, and the author is opposed to such narrow and conservative views which occurs in his motherland, Ireland. He seeks freedom and liberation in the historical context of British colonization in Ireland, not only in a political way, but also by revealing the nation’s chronic illnesses in social ideology (which has been affected by bias and prejudiced originating from the UK and the European continent). Bloom, as a Jewish person, shows strong respect and nostalgia for the lost land of his country. He thought, “The cities of the plain: Sodom, Gomorrah, Edom. All dead names, a dead sea in a dead land, grey and old. It bore the oldest, the first race. The oldest people wandered far away all the earth, captivity to captivity, multiplying, dying, being born everywhere.” The Jews miss their country, while Europe doesn’t welcome them. By battering Antisemitism, the author criticizes Ireland’s mental paralysis and the narrow views in Europe. Therefore, Ulysses is not a book only filled with recordings of the characters. It also reflects the author’s seek for liberty and liberation.
From this chapter, when Leopold Bloom first showed up, we can feel that Bloom is just an ordinary citizen. He was busy with eating, entertaining himself and looking after his family members. This made him seem familiar to us. Bloom was not a hero, but I think the deepest secrets of Human lies in our heads: both the primitive, vague feelings and coherent, rational thinking. When asked by Molly about a Greek word (“metempsychosis”), Bloom first recognized its pronunciation, (he said “met him what?”) and then searched his mind for an explanation (he thought, “reincarnation: that’s the word!”). So from the process of thinking, we can reflect on ourselves and enter the realm of consciousness of the characters to touchthe pulse of the era.
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